To humble yourself is far more difficult than thinking you are a humble person.All this I can do today – and today is the best time there is for me …
Woe to us if we spend our time online – hours and hours unaccounted for each day. If not for His constant vigilance and protection, we could be lying dead …
I walk up this lonely road – only holding on to the hope that the Lord will meet me there. I am reminded of this quote that I came across …
Ah. New Year resolutions. We are all so familiar with them. It’s a promise that we make to ourselves to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on …
“Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees.” – Corrie Ten BoomA few years ago, …
We exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory. (1 …
It is a feeling of utter helplessness and inadequacy in the face of my insurmountable failings. I fail spectacularly with alarming frequency. It sends me spiralling into dark bouts of …
Back in the 1990s, growing up in Saudi Arabia, my primary source of entertainment was reading – closely followed by jigsaw puzzles. I remember this one time my father brought …
I began to dye my hair late sometime last year. I’ve had white hairs for a decade now but it began to bother me when two frosty streaks began to …
As the story goes, a little boy(Joshua) and his sister were visiting his grandparents on their farm. Given a slingshot as a gift, Joshua went out into the woods to …