As the story goes, a little boy(Joshua) and his sister were visiting his grandparents on their farm. Given a slingshot as a gift, Joshua went out into the woods to …
Evangeline Samuel
Evangeline Samuel
Hello there! I am a disciple of Christ, married to Paulsam, and the mother of two littles. Through sharing my stories, I hope to encourage, strengthen, and comfort others on the journey to becoming more like Christ.
Sometime last month, when the world was gearing up in anticipation of Christmas, I was on a call with a dear friend. Across the living room were Joseph and Anna, …
“Jesus promised the disciples three things – that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy and in constant trouble.” (G.K.Chesterton)It’s almost time for Christmas. In anticipation of the entire family …
He leadeth me, he leadeth me;By his own hand he leadeth me:His faithful follower I would be,For by his hand he leadeth me. Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom,Sometimes where Eden’s …
“There is hardship in everything except eating pancakes.” Charles Spurgeon The People’s Preacher Ever since we moved to India six months ago, my mother’s favourite stress buster has been spending …
“How come you never hug our maid?”I swerved around to find my five-year-old looking at me with inquisitive eyes.“Excuse me?” I asked.“How come you never hug our maid? Joseph repeated.“Wh.. …
Our daughter, Anna, is a delightful, typical three-year-old. She is full of mischief and is pleasantly surprised when her antics draw a burst of laughter. She can throw an impressive tantrum …
When my husband and I got married, he had already been working in Europe for six months. Since I did not have a work visa, I was forced to wait …
I learnt more about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard the past couple of weeks than I ever thought was possible. It’s my own fault. I watched excerpts from the courtroom until …
- “God creates us free, free to be selfish, but He adds a mechanism that will penetrate our selfishness and wake us up to the presence of others in this …